четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Main stories in today s Sydney newspapers = 3

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Main stories in today s Sydney newspapers = 3


Page 1: The "biblical deluge" of refugees from Kosovo threaten to overwhelm aid efforts.
Missing Australian aid man's last call warning of trouble.

Page 2: Howard government under pressure to boost compensation for GST by $2 billion. Prime
Minister John Howard shifts predecessor Robert Menzies' desk into his office. Budget surplus
for next financial year could be $5 billion larger than latest forecast.

Page 3: Olympic sponsors should be worried about effects of International Olympic Committee
scandal. State and territory numeracy tests for primary school students "dreadful" says
educator. A time of mourning for Australian Serbs at church. Police relieved at one death in
the country on roads yesterday.

World: Refugee deluge empties Kosovo as Macedonia shuts borders. Film captures images of a
massacre. Bombs strike at Belgrade's heart. Sinn Fein defies bid to break deadlock in Northern
Ireland peace process. Man accused of Melissa email virus says he didn't mean it.

Finance: Depressed oil prices and spending crackdown trigger sweeping review at BHP. Coles
Myer argues meddling with retail industry will be detrimental to community. Party ends on Gold
Coast and tourism operators looking for hangover cure.

Sport: Star spinner Shane Warne contemplates retirement. Manchester United manager outlines
the soccer club's assault on Europe. Todd Woodbridge fights gamely to turn Davis Cup to for

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